Victim Assistance (VA) Working Group


The overall objective of the VA WG is to support relevant ministries and other Government entities in establishing VA as part of the national HMA response as well as in coordinating respective activities through collaboration and coordination between other relevant ministries and actors, including survivor organisations and organisations for persons with disabilities. As per IMAS 13.10,[1] VA is to be better understood by all stakeholders as a process that involves a gender, age, disability, and diversity sensitive, rights-based and holistic approach in which each element—data collection, emergency and continuing medical care, rehabilitation, psychological and psychosocial support, socio-economic inclusion, as well as VA-related laws and policies—is essential and requires specific objectives to ensure high quality standards, availability, and accessibility of services to promote the ultimate aim of full and effective participation and inclusion. 

[1] International Mine Action Standards 13.10 Victim Assistance in Mine Action:

Upcoming Events


Jakub Walenda, DRC Program Manager

M:+380 63 0692519