Explosive Ordnance Risk Education (EORE) Working Group

Explosive Ordnance Risk Education

The Explosive Ordnance Risk Education Working Group (EORE WG) in Ukraine, led by UNICEF, formed to unite the efforts of stakeholders to address the pervasive threat of explosive remnants of landmines and UXOs in the country. This multi-stakeholder initiative brings together key actors from government agencies, humanitarian organizations, and international bodies to tackle the complex challenges posed by explosive ordnance. By fostering collaboration, sharing best practices, and mobilizing resources, the EORE WG strives to build resilience, promote peace, and create a safer environment for all inhabitants of Ukraine.


EORE WG in Ukraine is operating under MA AoR in Ukraine.


EORE WG members: National Mine Action Authority, National Mine Action Center, State Emergency Service of Ukraine, representative UNICEF, UNDP, UNHCR, ICRC, DRC, HALO Trust, MAG,  HI, NPA, FSD, DCA, UDA, etc.

Upcoming Events


EORE WG focal point contact information: 

Svitlana Kisilova, Social and Behaviour Change Specialist, EORE WG Coordinator, skisilova@unicef.org 

Tetiana Kazanzhy, tkazanzhy@gmail.com