Mine Action


The Mine Action AoR is ‘the provider of last resort’ for mine action within the Protection Cluster. UNDP as the UN lead agency in Mine Action, engages with UN partners and NGOs to ensure that mine action is at the centre of humanitarian planning and responses. The goal is to better coordinate and prioritize mine action activities to save more lives and facilitate the safe delivery of life-saving assistance by other humanitarian actors active in providing food, health, education, shelter, water or protection programmes and enable early recovery.

The overall objective of the MA AoR is to provide a platform to discuss and harmonize activities aimed at reducing and if possible, eliminating the threats posed by the use and presence of explosive hazards to civilians, including displaced persons, humanitarian workers, and other relevant aid and development partners, through the conduct of Mine Action activities. The MA AoR shall be a forum through which organizations will pursue consensus on technical issues and will support cohesive, inter-agency, and inter-organization mine action responses. 

The mine Action partners include UNDP, UNHCR, UNICEF, UNOPS, WFP, FAO, DCA, DRC, FSD, Halo Trust, HI, MAG, NPA and UDA. 

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