The oPt Cash Working Group (CWG) is a thematic, multi-sectorial working group in the occupied Palestinian territories (Opt). The working group was originally established in Gaza in 2012 and, starting from 2019, it reported to the Gaza ICCG. In March 2022, CVA coordination in Palestine was restructured to embrace both the West Bank and East Jerusalem (WBEJ) and the national level. The National CWG promotes strategic orientations in line with HCT decisions and ensures coherent planning across field operations via the sub-national Cash Working Groups. The National CWG provides as well technical guidance and support to different humanitarian actors and stakeholders and interacts with National authorities and regularly liaise with donors and development actors
The main mandate of the working group, composed of both the National CWG and its two sub-national groups, is to offer a technical platform to promote a collaborative approach to CVA for vulnerable populations across relevant sectors, in addition to facilitating strong coordination, promoting strategic planning of CVA in Gaza, and leading information sharing and mutual learning among members. This platform aims at functioning as an information sharing portal where documents, activities and results produced by the CWG, or its related sub-groups, will be regularly shared along with relevant guidance, tools and bibliography developed at global and regional levels.
The National CWG is currently co-chaired by Action Against Hunger - Spain (AAH) and the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA).
The WB CWG is currently chaired by the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) with the technical support of Action Against Hunger - Spain (AAH).
The Gaza CWG is currently co-chaired by the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) and a joint UNRWA/WFP co-lead.