Gender Based Violence AoR

Gender Based Violence Page


The Gender-Based Violence Area of Responsibility (GBV AoR) in the State of Palestine led by UNFPA was activated in 2014. The GBV AoR convenes over 110 national and international organizations, women-led organizations, and government entities to coordinate the GBV prevention and response intervention in the context of Palestine.

The GBV AoR aims, in collaboration with the relevant government ministries, UN agencies, and local and international NGOs, to consolidate, coordinate, improve support, and develop activities of all relevant stakeholders in the prevention of and response to GBV. 

The GBV AoR in the State of Palestine has developed specific Terms of Reference (ToR) defining its roles, operational modalities, and responsibilities aiming to strengthen the collective response to GBV. The document has been endorsed by members.                                                        

Interactive Dashboards

Key documents

GBV SC updated Terms of Reference (ToR)

Gaza Response

Protection Documents

ReliefWeb results

occupied Palestinian territory + 1 more

Assemblée générale: Israël qualifie de « terrorisme politique » un projet de résolution porté par l’État de Palestine

Dixième session extraordinaire d’urgence (reprise), 53e et 54e séances plénières – matin & après-midi AG/12625 17 septembre 2024 (Le résumé complet de la réunion sera disponible ultérieurement.) L’État de Palestine présente, aujourd’hui, à l’Assemblée générale un projet de résolution exigeant qu’Israël…

News and Press Release
17 Sep 2024

occupied Palestinian territory

NGOs call on all UN Member States to adhere to the ICJ Advisory Opinion on the unlawfulness of Israel’s occupation

In July the International Court of Justice (ICJ) issued a historic advisory opinion concluding that Israel’s decades long occupation and annexation of Palestinian territory is unlawful because it violates some of the most fundamental tenets of International Humanitarian…

News and Press Release
ActionAid, AFSC, Amnesty, Christian Aid, DCA, DRC, FCA, HI, HCI, Islamic Relief, MDM, MCC, NCA, NRC, Oxfam, Première Urgence Internationale, Tdh foundation, Tdh It, War Child
17 Sep 2024

occupied Palestinian territory

UK NGOs Call on the UK Government to Support UN Resolution on ICJ Advisory Opinion and Take Immediate Action to Uphold International Law in the Occupied Palestinian Territory

As a collective voice of UK humanitarian, development, human rights and faith-based agencies working in and on the Occupied Palestinian Territory and Israel, we strongly urge the UK Government to vote in favour of the UN…

News and Press Release
Action for Humanity, CARE, HI, Islamic Relief, MAP UK, Oxfam
17 Sep 2024
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