Coordination and Support Services

About the Coordination Cluster

The Humanitarian Country Team will remain – under the leadership of the Humanitarian Coordinator - the main senior humanitarian coordination policy and decision making forum on issues related to advocacy, access, humanitarian programming and response. The inter-cluster coordination forum will continue to bring together all clusters/sectors to cross-reference cluster analysis, identify inter-cluster response priorities and coverage gaps, address cross-cutting issues and prepare strategic options and advocacy points for the HCT.

The HCT completed a period of review of the coordination arrangements in 2014, reaffirming the central role of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law as well as the ongoing need for coordinated humanitarian advocacy and operations in view of the prevailing humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip and, in the West Bank particularly in Area C and East Jerusalem. OCHA will be supporting the HC and the HCT in its decision to work towards reducing vulnerability/increasing resilience with a view to transitioning when possible from humanitarian to development programming. The HCT decided to prepare a three year strategic response plan under the Humanitarian Programme Cycle (HPC) starting in 2014 in order to align with the periodic cycle of the UNDAF. This new approach will also be guided by the need to maximize coordination with development partners and their strategies to best support the priorities of the Palestinian Authority (PA) whilst also systematically addressing West Bank and Gaza issues under a „One Palestine‟ approach.

Coordination Structure

ReliefWeb results


Landmine and Explosive Remnants of War and IED Safety Handbook [EN/AR]

English version

Introduction Landmines and other explosive hazards, which include abandoned munitions and military equipment, unexploded ordnance and other explosive remnants of war (ERW), as well as improvised explosive devices (IEDs) pose a hazard all over the world. This handbook…

Manual and Guideline
29 Mar 2016
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