Solomon Islands


In 2019, INGO’s in Solomon Islands (SI) came together under the Australian Humanitarian Partnership to invest in a Cash Transfer Feasibility Study. In collaboration with the National Protection and Livelihoods committee the study examined the current state of CVA preparedness. The final study report was released in early 2020 and includes specific recommendations to improve CVA preparations across different sectors. Many of the recommendations require concerted, co-operative effort to achieve and ensure Solomon Islands agencies are able to implement CVA programming.

Objectives of the Multi-Partner Cash Working Group will be to strengthen collaboration, coordination, and exploration of opportunities for piloting of agreed modalities and sharing of knowledge and information related to CVA in emergency preparedness, response, and recovery activities in Solomon Islands as well as to support review and implementation of recommendations identified in the SI Cash Transfer feasibility study. This will also include possible integration and/or institutionalization of CVA as a function under relevant committees and sub-committees within the SI National Disaster Risk Management and Emergency Management mechanisms. The membership of the multi-partner cash working group (MPCWG) will be an inclusive platform for coordination, collaboration and learning related to multi-sector and cross-sector CVA in emergency response, preparedness, and development activities in the country. The membership to the working group is open to relevant actors with interest in the CVA space that includes, but not limited to, I/NGOs, UN agencies, private sector, finance service providers and government line agencies. Other agencies who have interest in CVA are also invited to become members.

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