Papua New Guinea Cash Working Group


The PNG Cash Working Group was established in 2022. It is a part of the PNG Disaster Management Team’s (DMT) Inter-Cluster Coordination Group and participates in regional cash working groups (e.g., Pacific Cash Working Group, Asia-Pacific Cash Working Group). Sub-national (e.g., provincial) groups can be further established under the umbrella of the PNG Cash Working Group as needed. 

The Disaster Management Team, co-chaired by the UN Resident Coordinator and the National Disaster Centre Director, maintains overall responsibility for ensuring cash coordination arrangements are established and aligned with and implemented according to agreed terms, protocols, procedures, and good practices. It has overall responsibility for ensuring that cash coordination is adequate, predictable, and there is timely capacity to support implementation through the Cash Working Group. 

The Inter-Cluster Coordination Group is accountable for overall cash coordination, with day-to-day tasks delegated to the Cash Working Group, which is accountable to the Inter-Cluster Coordination Group. 

The Cash Working Group is a forum for Government, private sector entities, and humanitarian and development organizations in PNG to discuss technical and operational issues and seek collective improvements related to cash and voucher assistance in humanitarian contexts. The group will ensure technical and strategic coordination, as well as quality assurance in all aspects of cash and voucher assistance programming, including feasibility assessments, market assessments and monitoring, design, and implementation of activities, building capacity of implementing partners, and in accountability to affected populations. This platform also provides an opportunity for various cash actors to collaborate, share issues for technical discussions, best practices and lessons learned.