
Health Cluster

Years of conflict have killed, injured or brought disease to hundreds of thousands of Syrians. Based in Gaziantep, Turkey, health organizations do cross-border work to provide medical care to families in Northwest Syria. Led by the World Health Organization’s Gaziantep office, the Health Cluster provides humanitarian assistance to people in need and restores disrupted health care services in Northwest Syria.

The Cluster:

  • Ships lifesaving and essential medical supplies and equipment to Northwest Syria.
  • Provides training and support to Syrian health care workers.
  • Vaccinates more than a million Syrian children.
  • Maintains surveillance and early response on priority communicable diseases.

Health Cluster Meeting

  1. 14 March 2024
  2. 28 March 2024
  3. 11 April 2024

Health Cluster Coordination Structure.


Data Hub: Health Cluster Dashboards and Infographics.

Monitoring Violence against Health Care

Because of the attacks, many Syrian Health Care Facilities are either completely out of service or only partially functioning. In 2023, health resources across Syria were impacted by attacks on health care 23 times, with more than 5 deaths and 20 Injuries affecting patients and Health personnel. Health Cluster and WHO continue to gather and share information and are strongly advocating for change. Such attacks not only affect health care providers but also deprive people of urgently needed care. The attacks violate human rights and the right to health.

The latest report on attacks can be accessed here.

Earthquake: Health Situation Dashboard

Trauma and Disability Working Group

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Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH)

SRH Working Group Activities

SRH Service Mapping

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Syrian Arab Republic

Médecins du Monde International Network and Mehad call for urgent action to prevent funding cuts from halting essential health programmes in Syria - August 2024

Médecins du Monde (MdM) and Mehad urgently warn that funding cuts for Syria risk forcing humanitarian actors to choose between life-saving interventions and shutting down essential health programmes. An unprecedented 16.7 million people in Syria need…

News and Press Release
1 Aug 2024
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ReliefWeb results

Syrian Arab Republic

COVID-19 Monthly Update Northwest Syria (July 2023)

Summary of the monthly report for COVID-19 in NW Syria for July 2023. The new numbers are valid till July 31, 2023. A total of 511,491 samples have been tested by RT-PCR from NWS with a…

Health Cluster, WHO
9 Aug 2023
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