COVID-19 (Northwest Syria)
Latest COVID-19 Manuals and Guidelines
Latest Assessments
Latest Situation Reports
Accountability to Affected Populations (AAP)
Community Engagement and Risk Communication
- Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) Action Plan Guidance COVID-19 Preparedness and Response, WHO
- COVID-19: How to include marginalized and vulnerable people in risk communication and community engagement, developed by the RCCE Working Group Asia and the Pacific
- Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) and COVID-19, UNHCR.
- Public advisory on the use of fabric facemasks in the context of COVID-19. Covid-19 Task Force in Northwest Syria
Platforms compiling information and communication resources on COVID-19
Information Sharing
The resources below can be used for key messages on COVID-19
- COVID-19 Information resources (English, French, Arabic), WHO
- Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) advice for the public: Myth busters, WHO
- VIDEO: Coronavirus Explained, WHO
- POSTER: COVID-19 What you need to know (15 languages), developed by International SOS
- COVID-19: Guidance and advice for older people (English, French, Spanish, Arabic), developed by HelpAge
- Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): What parents should know, UNICEF
Guidance on information sharing
- Advice on the use of masks in the community, during home care and in healthcare settings in the context of the novel coronavirus outbreak, WHO
- Key considerations: online information, mis- and disinformation in the context of COVID-19, developed by Social Science in Humanitarian Action
Feedback Mechanisms
WHO and UNICEF have launched information sharing and feedback systems through social media and messaging apps
Persons with Disabilities
- Disability considerations during the COVID-19 outbreak, WHO
- COVID-19 disability-inclusive response, Protection cluster
- Toward a Disability-Inclusive COVID19 Response: 10 recommendations from the International Disability Alliance
- Guidance Note on inclusion of persons with disabilities in livelihood activities during COVID-19, Humanity & Inclusion
- Practical guidance note – Inclusion of persons with disabilities in livelihood activities during the COVID-19 response, Syria Protection Cluster (Türkiye)
- Keeping healthy and maintaining functional independence during COVID-19 related activity restrictions, Syria Protection Cluster (Türkiye)
Information material (Disabilities)
- Easy-to-read information about Coronavirus available in many languages, Inclusion Europe
- Information about the Coronavirus, Mencap
- COVID-19 Information By and For People with Disabilities, Green Mountain Self Advocates
- What is the Coronavirus?, The Autism Educator
- COVID-19 Prevention Guidelines, Easyread
- Information on COVID-19 in International Sign Language, Mill Neck
- Information on COVID-19 in French Sign Language LSF
- Information on COVID-19 in American Sign Language ASL, MN Health
- Information on COVID-19 in Sign Language – Mozambique, TV Surdo Moçambique
Gender and Age
- COVID-19 A Gender Lens: Protecting Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, and Promoting Gender Equality, UNFPA
- Gender Implications of COVID-19 Outbreaks in Development and Humanitarian Settings, CARE
- Country Guidance Notes on GBV Service Provision during the time of COVID-19, GBV AoR
- Protecting older people during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic (English, Spanish, French, Arabic), developed by Help Age
- Technical Note on the Protection of Children during the Coronavirus Pandemic (8 languages), The Alliance
- 7 simple tips on how to talk to kids about the coronavirus, Save the Children
- Tips for parenting during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, UNICEF
The flowing guidance has been developed to address mental health and psychosocial aspects during COVID-19 outbreak:
- Interim Briefing Note (1.5) Addressing Mental Health and Psychosocial Aspects of COVID-19 Outbreak, IASC
- Mental Health and Psychosocial Considerations During COVID-19 Outbreak, WHO
Cross-cutting Documents
Sector-Specific Guidance
- Health (Country & Technical Guidance)
- Logistics
- Camp Coordination and Camp Management
- Education
- Food Security
- Protection
- Shelter/NFI
- Nutrition
SPHERE Guidance
Information, Education and Communication (IEC)
- UNICEF-Gaziantep COVID-19 communication package
- Other COVID-19 IEC Material
- Awareness materials about the Corona Virus - northwestern Syria (brochures, posters, flyers and video etc.)
- Corona Virus advice, guidance and materials - World Health Organization website
- COVID-19: How to put on and remove personal protective equipment
- Contact and droplet precautions - COVID-19 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- How to guide - Putting on PPE for contact/droplet precautions
IASC Guidance
- IASC Key Messages on Applying IASC Guidelines on Disability in the COVID-19 Response
- IASC Proposal for a Harmonized Approach to Funding Flexibility in the Context of COVID-19
- IASC Proposals to Address the Inconsistency in Unlocking and Disbursing Funds to NGOs in COVID-19 Response
- COVID-19 Inter-Agency Guidance for the Management of the Dead in Humanitarian Settings
- Camps and Camp-like Settings
- Mental Health and Psychological Aspects
- Food Distribution
- Prevention and Control in Schools
- Persons Deprived of Liberty
- Gender Alert
- Flexible Funding
- Storybook for Children
- IASC Scale-Up Protocols for the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Emergency Response Preparedness (ERP) Approach
- Fast-Tracking Health and Aid Workers and Supplies at Borders and in Countries
- Guidance on Localisation and the COVID-19 Response