
ReliefWeb results

Syrian Arab Republic

UNICEF Whole of Syria Facts and Figures: Child Protection (End of year 2019)

SITUATION ANALYSIS • Increasingly complex and inter-linked protection needs continue to exist across Syria, resulting from a variety of situations ranging from direct exposure to hostilities, displacement, conditions in sites/collective shelters and protracted displacement. • Multiple and complex…

News and Press Release
2 Feb 2020

Syrian Arab Republic

UNICEF Whole of Syria - Humanitarian Situation Report (November 2019)

Situation in Numbers 5,000,000 children in need of humanitarian assistance 11,700,000 people in need 6,183,919 Internally displaced people (IDPs) 490,000 Children in need in hard-toreach areas Highlights • Over 227,700 population movements were recorded between 9 October and 26 November in the…

Syrian Arab Republic

UNICEF Whole of Syria - Humanitarian Situation Report (October 2019)

Situation in Numbers 5,000,000 children in need of humanitarian assistance 11,700,000 people in need 6,183,919 Internally displaced people (IDPs) 490,000 Children in need in hard-toreach areas Highlights • As a result of the escalation of the military operation led by Turkey in…

Syrian Arab Republic

UNICEF Whole of Syria - September 2019 Humanitarian Results

Situation in Numbers In Syria 5 million # of children affected 11.7 million # of people affected (HNO summary, 2019) UNICEF Appeal 2019 US$ 294.8 Million Funding Status US$ 156.6 Million Highlights: In the northeast of the country, an estimated 160,000 people, including 70,000 children, are reported…

Syrian Arab Republic

UNICEF Whole of Syria Facts and Figures: Child Protection (Mid-year 2019)

SITUATION ANALYSIS • Increasingly complex and inter-linked protection needs continue to exist across Syria, resulting from a variety of situations ranging from direct exposure to hostilities, displacement, conditions in sites/collective shelters and protracted displacement. • Multiple and complex…

News and Press Release
17 Aug 2019

Syrian Arab Republic + 6 more

UNICEF Syria Crisis Mid-Year 2019 Humanitarian Results

Highlights • In Syria, UNICEF continued to deliver assistance to Al Hol camp, which hosts more than 70,000 displaced people (90 per cent women and children) due to escalation of the conflict in Hajin. Needs in the…

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