
ReliefWeb results

Syrian Arab Republic

Explosive Ordnance contamination survey in Northeast Syria, May 2024

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Overall, the Explosive Ordnance contamination survey in Northeast Syria found a high impact in areas where armed fighting’s has been ongoing the longest. In 2024, the level of contaminated areas waiting for technical or clearance…

Syrian Arab Republic

The Syria Humanitarian Response- A crossroads

Introduction Syria continues to be one of the world’s largest and most complex humanitarian emergencies, with catastrophic results for communities across the country. As the crisis enters its 14th year, humanitarian needs are the highest they have ever been…

Syrian Arab Republic + 5 more

UNICEF Whole of Syria Humanitarian Situation Report, July - September 2023

Highlights • UNICEF reached 38,348 individuals, 25,177 children, with a wide range of protection services through a network of frontline workers in child and adolescent-friendly spaces, community centers, temporary accommodation centers (TACs), partners’ offices and mobile outreach…

Syrian Arab Republic

North-West Syria: Situation Report (14 April 2023) [EN/AR]

English version

HIGHLIGHTS The UN and humanitarian partners are addressing life-saving needs, driven by the earthquakes, through humanitarian and early recovery interventions. Some 1.1 million earthquake-affected people have been reached with health assistance including outpatient consultations and treatments, and mental…

Situation Report
14 Apr 2023
Téléchargement  + 1 more

Syrian Arab Republic + 1 more

Flash Appeal: Syrian Arab Republic Earthquake (February - May 2023) [EN/AR]

English version

TOTAL POPULATION 22.1M PEOPLE AFFECTED 8.8M PEOPLE TARGETED 4.9M REQUIREMENTS (US$) $397.6M *At least 8.8 million people have been affected by the earthquake, with the majority anticipated to need some form of humanitarian assistance. This Flash Appeal will ensure assistance…

Syrian Arab Republic

UNICEF Whole of Syria Humanitarian Situation Report: June 2022

Highlights By the end of June 2022, UNICEF had reached 7.1 million people including 4.9 million children (2.5 million girls) across 14 governorates with health, nutrition, education, and protection services as well as safe water, sanitation, cash…

Syrian Arab Republic

UNICEF Whole of Syria Humanitarian Situation Report: March 2022

Highlights • Some increases in rates of acute malnutrition have been recorded as the nutrition situation deteriorates across Syria, driven by food insecurity and drastic food price increases along with economic deterioration, the suboptimal WASH environment and…

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