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Syrian Arab Republic

Syria: 10 years on

By Muaz A. and Tarek Albaik Ten years since the start of the war in Syria, conflict dynamics vary across each region of the country. This report maps the latest conflict developments, with a focus on the…

Syrian Arab Republic

UNICEF Whole of Syria Humanitarian Situation Report - January 2021

Highlights Hostilities continued in 2021, resulting in the tragic death of at least 22 children in January, from incidents involving explosive weapons and unexploded ordnance in Hama and near Tal Rifaat, in northern rural Aleppo. In addition,…

Syrian Arab Republic

UNICEF Whole of Syria Humanitarian Situation Report - End-of-year 2020

Highlights The scale, severity and complexity of humanitarian needs worsened in 2020 due to the economic downturn, rising cost of commodities, and devaluation of local currency, all compounded by the socio-economic impact of COVID-19 and ongoing hostilities.…

Syrian Arab Republic

UNICEF Whole of Syria Humanitarian Situation Report: 1-30 September 2020

Highlights • Hostilities were reported in northwest Syria, including shelling and airstrikes, killing three children. Explosions caused by improvised explosive devices, as well as fire incidents, killed ten people (including one child) and injured 40 others. Two…

Syrian Arab Republic

UNICEF Whole of Syria Humanitarian Situation Report: 1-31 August 2020

Highlights Hostilities were reported in northwest Syria, particularly in Idleb, northern Latakia, western Hama, western and northern Aleppo, including shelling, airstrikes and Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs). Major humanitarian needs persisted across all sectors and were exacerbated by the…

Syrian Arab Republic

UNICEF Whole of Syria Humanitarian Situation Report: January - June 2020

Highlights During the first half of 2020, needs across Syria remained extensive with over 11 million people (4.7 million children) requiring humanitarian assistance, including 6.2 million internally displaced (2.5 million children). The situation has been aggravated by…

Syrian Arab Republic

UNICEF Whole of Syria - Humanitarian Situation Report (1 - 31 January 2020)

Situation in Numbers 5,000,000 children in need of humanitarian assistance 11,700,000 people in need 6,183,919 Internally displaced people 490,000 Children in need in hard-to-reach areas (source: OCHA, HNO, March 2019) Highlights As of January, over 2.7 million people in northwest Syria (NWS)—including over…

Syrian Arab Republic

UNICEF Whole of Syria - Humanitarian Situation Report (1 January - 31 December 2019)

Situation in Numbers 5,000,000 children in need of humanitarian assistance 11,700,000 people in need 6,183,919 Internally displaced people (IDPs) 490,000 Children in need in hard-toreach areas (source: OCHA HNO, March 2019) Highlights After nine years of conflict, humanitarian needs in Syria remained extensive.…

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