Cartes / Infographies

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Central African Republic

Central African Republic: Humanitarian Dashboard (13 March 2014)

Situation Overview Grave human rights violations and the killing of innocent civilians are ongoing in the Central African Republic. More than 650,000 people fearing for their lives are still internally displaced across the country, including 232,000 of…

Democratic Republic of the Congo + 3 more

DR Congo: Humanitarian challenges (February 2014)

In DRC, now as in previous years, repeated armed clashes are destabilizing millions of people. More than 2.9 million people were displaced, 60% of whom in the Kivus. In a volatile environment facing financial constraints, aid…

Democratic Republic of the Congo

RDC - Sud-Kivu : Realisations de la communaute humanitaire en 2013

Plus de 4 millions de personnes vulnérables, notamment des personnes déplacées internes (PDI) et retournées, ont été assistées dans les huit domaines d’intervention humanitaire au Sud-Kivu. La protection des civils demeure une des principales préocupations de…

Mali + 3 more

Mali : Aperçu Humanitaire (au 27 Février 2014)

Cette année les acteurs humanitaires au Mali recherchent à travers le Plan de Réponse Stratégique 568 millions de dollars. Ce plan vise à apporter l’assistance d’urgence nécessaire aux personnes affectées par l’insécurité alimentaire, la malnutrition et…

Chad + 4 more

Chad: Humanitarian Dashboard (as of 4 March 2014)

SITUATION OVERVIEW Chad continues receiving people fleeing violence in the CAR and S udan’s Darfur. As of 2 March 2014, a total of 80,354 persons a rriving from the CAR since December 2013, have been registered by…

Central African Republic

Central African Republic : Humanitarian Dashboard (28 Feb 2014)

SITUATION OVERVIEW Strengthening the protection of vulnerable communities in Bangui and the provinces remains one of the priorities of humanitarian actors in the Central African Republic. 15,000 people from the Muslim minority are at high risk of…

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