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Central African Republic + 4 more

Central African Crisis: Regional Humanitarian Snapshot (as of 24 March 2014)

The security situation throughout the country remains volatile. Inter-community attacks continue, notably against the Muslim communities, driving-up the number of refugees and evacuees fleeing to Cameroon, Chad, Republic of Congo and the DRC. Humanitarian operations continue…

Central African Republic

Central African Republic: Humanitarian Dashboard (21 March 2014)

SITUATION OVERVIEW Grave human rights violations and the killing of innocent civilians are ongoing in the Central African Republic. More than 615,000 people fearing for their lives are still internally displaced across the country, including 190,000 of…

Mali + 3 more

Mali: Tableau de bord humanitaire (au 27 Février 2014)

APERÇU DE LA SITUATION Le conflit armé affectant le nord du Mali depuis 2012 a subi une escalade en janvier 2013. Ce conflit a provoqué le déplacement de 369 500 personnes dont 199 500 Personnes Déplacées Internes…

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