Cartes / Infographies

ReliefWeb results


Education Cluster Cameroon: Attacks on Education (January - August 2024)

From January 2024, the North-West and South-West (NWSW) Regions of Cameroon continued to face some incidents of insecurity and attacks on educational infrastructures, pupils, students and educational personnel. So far, 34 attacks have been recorded. February…

Education Cluster, Save the Children, UNICEF
19 Sep 2024


Suivi des urgences - Mouvements des populations - Synthèse de déplacement dans la province du LAC-Tchad Tableau de bord N°192, Collecte des données 1 - 31 août 2024 | Publication: Septembre 2024

Le suivi des urgences a pour objectif de recueillir des informations sur les mouvements importants et soudains, ainsi que sur les urgences liées à la sécurité et aux conditions climatiques. Les informations sont collectées par le…


Chad: Emergency Tracking Tool - Population Movement: Summary of Displacement in Lake Chad Province | Dashboard #192, Data collection period: 01 - 31 August 2024, Date of publication: September 2024

The purpose of the emergency tracking tool is to collect information on sudden and significant displacements mainly triggered by security and climatic emergencies. The information is collected through key informant interviews and direct observations. This dashboard presents…

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