
ReliefWeb results


UNICEF Cameroon Situation Report - January 2013

Highlights No funding received during the reporting period. USD 11,1 million needed to respond to emergency in 2013. SMART Nutritional post-harvest season, survey has been conducted in November and December in five regions of Cameroon; preliminary results show…

Mauritania + 1 more

UNICEF Mauritania Monthly Situation Report - January 2013

Highlights Since the beginning of the military operation in Mali and the subsequent new refugee influx, UNICEF is stepping up and expanding interventions in partnership with UNHCR and a range of other partners to meet the growing…

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Sud-Kivu : des groupes armés continuent d’enrôler des enfants, selon une ONG

Les forces et groupes armés continuent de recruter des enfants dans la province du Sud-Kivu, a déclaré mardi 12 février l’ONG BVS à l’occasion de la journée internationale contre le recrutement et l’utilisation des enfants soldats.…

News and Press Release
Radio Okapi
13 Feb 2013

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Launching of the Action Plan to Combat Recruitment and Sexual Abuse of children

Dungu, 5 February 2013 - On Tuesday, 5 February 2013, the Child Protection section of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO), UNICEF and the office of the Administrator of…

News and Press Release
10 Feb 2013

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