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Democratic Republic of the Congo

Children at risk of sexual violence, kidnap

Thousands of separated and displaced children in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) are at extreme risk of sexual violence, including rape, or of being kidnapped and recruited into armed militias. In the face of the growing…

News and Press Release
Save the Children
28 Dec 2012


UNICEF Cameroon Situation Report - November 2012

Highlights The number of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) due to floods has now gone up to 88,640 (50,824 persons in the North and 37,816 in the Far North region). This is because of the newly flood affected…


UNICEF Mali Situation Report - November 2012

HEADLINES The Islamists from the Movement for Unity and Jihad in West Africa (MUJAO) said on 20 November that they had captured the town of Menaka in clashes with ethnic Tuaregs - known as the National Movement…

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Goma : des élèves privés d’écoles suite à l’instabilité sécuritaire

Plusieurs enfants ont abandonné, depuis le mois de novembre dernier, le chemin de l’école à Goma, chef-lieu de la province du Nord-Kivu à cause de l’instabilité sécuritaire dans la province et des rumeurs sur une probable…

News and Press Release
Radio Okapi
18 Dec 2012

Mauritania + 1 more

UNICEF Mauritania Monthly Situation Report - 4 November 2012

Highlights Despite the abundant rainy season and avoidance of a humanitarian catastrophe thanks to the combined emergency response of the Government supported by the humanitarian community with the assistance of donors and technical and financial partners, there…


UNICEF Mali Situation Report - 29 October 2012

HEADLINES The UN Security Council has unanimously approved Resolution 2071 (2012) requesting a plan for a military operation in northern Mali within 45 days. To lay the roadmap the AU, EU and UN met with the Malian…

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