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Democratic Republic of the Congo

Bereaved fathers beg "no more attacks on schools"

Wednesday 17 July 2013 In the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), the parents are just like mine: proud, anxious, wondering what the future holds for their children. But beyond the daily fretting of any parent, they have…

News and Press Release
Save the Children
17 Jul 2013

Mali + 1 more

Doubts Linger Over U.N. Troops’ Preparedness to Enter Mali

UNITED NATIONS, Jul 5 2013 (IPS) - As the new 12,600-strong United Nations peacekeeping forces don their blue helmets and prepare to take over from African-led forces in Mali, a nation consumed by corruption and extremism,…

News and Press Release
5 Jul 2013

Chad + 2 more

Chad Consolidated Appeal Mid-Year Review 2013+

1. SUMMARY Chad continues on its path towards stabilisation and sustainable recovery. Peace dividends such as an improved security environment and political stability have reinforced the country’s status as a host nation for people affected by conflict…


UNICEF Mali Situation Report, June 2013

Highlights · Mali is now listed among the 21 countries known for child protection violations during conflict, according to the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children in Armed Conflict. This report is one of three published…

Democratic Republic of the Congo

UNICEF and MONUSCO condemn rapes in South Kivu

KINSHASA, 27 June 2013 - The Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary General in DRC, Mr. Roger Meece and the Country Representative of UNICEF, Ms. Barbara Bentein are deeply concerned about recent cases of rape…

News and Press Release
28 Jun 2013

Chad + 1 more

Grasping a new opportunity to end child recruitment into the armed forces

Press Release Chad’s renewed commitment to implement the Action Plan must be accompanied by tangible actions and strong, sustained UN involvement London, 25 June 2013 Child Soldiers International welcomes the Chadian Government’s renewed commitment to implement the “Action Plan…

News and Press Release
Child Soldiers International
25 Jun 2013

Democratic Republic of the Congo + 4 more

DR Congo UNICEF Monthly Situation Report 20 May - 20 June 2013

HIGHLIGHTS  United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon announced on 10 June the appointment of Martin Kobler of Germany as his Special Representative for the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and…

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