
ReliefWeb results

Syrian Arab Republic

“Many are hungry and freezing as camps in northwest Syria turn to quagmires”

Mohammed Hamza, Programme Officer for Islamic Relief in Idlib, reports on how recent flooding is compounding cold, hunger and suffering in northwest Syria. I’ve just returned from a visit to the camps in Idlib to assess the…

News and Press Release
Islamic Relief
10 Feb 2021

Syrian Arab Republic

Winterization support after flooding in Syria

arche noVa helps with warm clothes, blankets and food in the region of Idlib Dresden, 02/02/2021 Rain, cold and mud. This is what winter looks like in northwestern Syria. arche noVa supports the most needy in the region…

News and Press Release
arche noVa
5 Feb 2021

Syrian Arab Republic + 4 more

Five things you need to know this week about global education (February 5, 2021)

Turkey - home to a huge number of refugee children - is preparing to reopen its schools, while flooding in Syria has further damaged an ailing education system. Shot in the arm for Turkish education Teachers in Turkey…

News and Press Release
5 Feb 2021

Syrian Arab Republic

Building research tools to improve response and resilience to flooding in Syria

February 5, 2021 **Displacement associated with disasters and the effects of climate change is one of today's most serious humanitarian and development issue. In the first half of 2020 alone, disasters triggered 9.8 million new displacements, and…

News and Press Release
5 Feb 2021

Syrian Arab Republic

UNICEF Whole of Syria Humanitarian Situation Report - End-of-year 2020

Highlights The scale, severity and complexity of humanitarian needs worsened in 2020 due to the economic downturn, rising cost of commodities, and devaluation of local currency, all compounded by the socio-economic impact of COVID-19 and ongoing hostilities.…

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