
ReliefWeb results

Syrian Arab Republic

Syria mVAM Bulletin #51: December 2020

Situation Overview • The COVID-19 situation continued deteriorating throughout the country. As of 30 December 2020, 11,344 cases of COVID-19 were officially conirrmed by the Minister of Health in government-held areas in Syria, marking a 44 percent…

Syrian Arab Republic

Northwest Syria: Newly Displaced IDPs Assessment (December 2020)

SUMMARY The objective of this assessment was to determine the food security and livelihoods situation of Newly Displaced IDPs (NIDPs) and host families in Northwest Syria (NWS). Newly Displaced refers to the almost one million IDPs forced…

Syrian Arab Republic

WFP Syria Country Brief, November 2020

In Numbers 48,300 mt of assistance delivered US$ 2.5 m in cash-based transfers US$ 308.6 m 6-month net funding requirement (December 2020 – May 2021, as of 11 December 2020) 4.7 m people assisted (based on dispatches) Operational Updates • In November, WFP delivered…

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