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Syrian Arab Republic

Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, Mark Lowcock - Briefing to the Security Council on the humanitarian situation in Syria, 25 February 2021

New York, 25 February 2021 As delivered Thank you, Madam President. I will focus on three points today. First, the economic crisis and the rise in food insecurity; second, humanitarian access; and third, the protection of civilians. In addition, I…

News and Press Release
25 Feb 2021

Syrian Arab Republic + 3 more

Syrian Arab Republic: 2021 Needs and Response Summary (February 2021)

2021 Humanitarian Needs Ten years into the Syria crisis, humanitarian needs are deepening. Ongoing insecurity and the compounded impact of displacement, combined with worsening socio-economic conditions characterized by sharp currency depreciation, record-level price increases and cuts in…

Syrian Arab Republic

WFP Syria Country Brief, January 2021

In Numbers 55,443 mt of food assistance delivered US$ 2.9 m in cash-based transfers made US$ 375.3 m 6-month net funding requirement (February 2021 – July 2021, as of 15 February 2021) 4.8 m people assisted in January 2021 (based…

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