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Kenya: Marsabit district 2008 long rains assessment report 21- 25 Jul

1 Introduction 1.1 District Background Information Marsabit district covers approximately 66,000 sq km with an estimated population of 143,849 people. The district borders Ethiopia and Moyale to the North, Turkana to the North-West, Samburu and Isiolo to the South, and Wajir…


Kenya: Turkana districts 2008 long rains assessment report 14 - 18 Jul 2008

1 INTRODUCTION The greater Turkana coveres a total area of 77,000 square Kilometers, estimated combined population 521,491 and comprises of three Districts namely Turkana Central, Turkana South and Turkana North. Turkana North has 7 divisions: Kaaling', Kakuma, Kibish, Lapur, Lokichoggio, Lokitaung…


Communicable disease risk assessment and interventions - Post-election emergency: Kenya, Feb 2008

WHO/HSE/EPR/DCE/2008.1 Preface The purpose of this technical note is to provide health professionals in United Nations agencies, non-governmental organizations, donor agencies and local authorities working with populations affected by emergencies with up-to-date technical guidance on the major communicable disease threats faced by…


UNICEF Mozambique Floods Situation Update, 2 Feb 2008

Major Developments As of 02 February, water levels along the Zambeze River are stable due to moderate rainfall which has continued over the last 72 hours across the central provinces and in neighbouring countries. However, localised heavy rains are increasing…

2 Feb 2008

Djibouti + 7 more

Communicable disease epidemiological profile for Horn of Africa 2007

WHO/CDS/NTD/DCE/2007.1 INTRODUCTION Recurrent drought following several poor rainy seasons has led to food insecurity and widespread malnutrition in the countries of the Horn of Africa region (Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Kenya, Somalia and Sudan). The public health and food security situation is poor.…

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