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Sudan: Kass Locality Mission Report (NFIs / ES Sector)

Objectives of Mission: - Assess needs of the population - Find out priority needs and basic services available & gaps - Find out number of returnees and type of Assistance Expected Outcomes: - Number of returnees and returnee sites to be verified - Determination of…

United Republic of Tanzania

Tanzania: Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper NSGRP II

FOREWORD This is the Second National Strategy for Growth and Reduction of Poverty (NSGRP II) to be implemented between 2010/11 and 2014/15 . In the Tanzanian lingua franca, Kiswahili, it is known as Mpango wa Pili wa Kukuza Uchumi na…

Ethiopia + 2 more

2010 Joint Assessment Mission (jam)

I. Executive Summary A Joint Assessment Mission (JAM) 2010 was conducted in Ethiopia between 24 October and 04 November 2010 led by UNHCR, WFP and ARRA with the participation of implementing partners and donor representatives. The mission…

Burundi + 2 more

UNHCR-WFP Joint Assessment Mission 2008 Rwanda: Review of Assistance to Congolese and Burundian Refugees, 19 November - 26 November 2008

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Rwanda hosts approximately 55,062 refugees, specifically 53,180 camp-based and 1,882 urban refugees, mainly from Democratic Republic of Congo and Burundi. The Congolese camp-based refugees are hosted in Gicumbi District with 19,027 in Gihembe camp, Gatsibo District with 13,807 in…

Namibia + 2 more


Executive Summary In March 2009, flooding, caused by heavy rainfalls in the region, affected six Regions in northern Namibia (Caprivi, Kavango, Oshana, Oshikoto, Ohangwena, and Omusati)1. The 2009 flood is the second such event in two years, following three years…


COMMISSION DECISION of [...] on the approval and financing of a Global Plan for humanitarian Actions in Ethiopia from the general budget of the European Union (ECHO/ETH/BUD/2010/01000)

THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION, Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, Having regard to Council Regulation (EC) No.1257/96 of 20 June 1996 concerning humanitarian aid, and in particular Article 2 and Article 15(3) thereof; Whereas: (1) Ethiopia is…



1.0 Executive Summary and Key Recommendations 1.1 Summary of Key findings Significant improvements in pastoral and marginal agricultural livelihoods Sustained deterioration in food security after a succession of poor or failed seasons that began in 2007 has been reversed significantly, after improved…

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