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Kenya long rains assessment report 2006

1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY From July to August 2006, a joint GoK, UN and NGO multi-sectoral Long-Rains Assessment Mission assessed the impact of the 2006 long rains on food security among drought-affected households. The performance of 2006 long rains of February…


Kenya Long Rains Assessment Report 2006

1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY From July to August 2006, a joint GoK, UN and NGO multi-sectoral Long-Rains Assessment Mission assessed the impact of the 2006 long rains on food security among drought-affected households. The performance of 2006 long rains of February…


Sudan: Nutrition and mortality survey

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Due to a prediction in 2005 of the high prospects of a precarious food situation in 2006 in the county facilitated by massive flooding that destroyed large crop fields coupled with the expected exacerbation of the situation through…


Sudan: Nutrition and mortality survey - Preliminary results

Nutrition and Mortality Survey (1) Area of Coverage: Baac, Malualbai, Mang'ok, Mangartong, Wunlang, Madhol, Yargot Payams in Aweil East County Northern bahr el Ghazel state south Sudan March/ April 2006 Continued post-peace population returns and their potential negative impact on the fragile food security…


Kenya: Machakos district - Short rain assessment 2006, 09 - 11 Jan 2006

1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Livelihood Zones (Lzs) And Populations Machakos District is divided into four primary livelihood zones namely. These are Mixed farming, Ranching (Mavoko), Formal and informal employment. However, mixed farming livelihood zone has been further subdivided into; Mixed farming: Coffee/dairy…

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