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occupied Palestinian territory

ECHO Factsheet – Palestine – Last updated 17/11/2020

Introduction The decades-long situation in Palestine* has led to a deteriorating humanitarian crisis. Palestinians in the West Bank live in an increasingly coercive environment. As Israeli settlement activity increases, Palestinians are prevented from developing adequate housing and…

News and Press Release
19 Nov 2020

occupied Palestinian territory

West Bank demolitions and displacement: An Overview | October 2020

HIGHLIGHTS • Removal of donor-funded network disrupts water supply to over 1,000 people in herding communities. • Requisitioning of structures without prior notice continues. • Freeze on the demolition of inhabited homes in East Jerusalem holds. • Punitive sealing in…

occupied Palestinian territory

West Bank demolitions and displacement: An Overview | September 2020

HIGHLIGHTS • 21 donor-funded aid structures demolished or seized. • Donor-funded school faces imminent risk of demolition. • Nearly a third of all structures targeted were requisitioned without prior notice. • Freeze on the demolition of inhabited homes announced on…

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