
ReliefWeb results

occupied Palestinian territory

West Bank demolitions and displacement: An Overview | June 2020

HIGHLIGHTS • 100 structures demolished or seized in June, the highest level since January 2017. • Of the targeted structures, ten were humanitarian aid, including a tent used as a quarantine site. • Only six out of 700 housing…

occupied Palestinian territory

Helping Palestinians buy healthy food: An oPt Humanitarian Fund success story

Most Palestinian households in Gaza cannot afford to buy sufficient amounts of nutritious food. Intisar’s family from the village of Az Zawayda is one of them. They are two parents and five children who live together…

News and Press Release
29 Jun 2020

occupied Palestinian territory

West Bank demolitions and displacement: An Overview | May 2020

HIGHLIGHTS • Fifty structures demolished or seized during May. • Unprecedented number of demolitions during Ramadan, compared to previous years. • First demolitions recorded in East Jerusalem since March. • Two aid structures, worth almost EUR 10,500, demolished or seized. OVERVIEW In…

occupied Palestinian territory + 1 more

ACT Alliance appeal: Global Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic – ACT201 - Sub-Appeal - ACT 201-PSE - Response to Refugees and Vulnerable Communities Impacted by COVID-19 in Palestine and Israel

BACKGROUND Context and Needs As both Israeli and the Palestinian governments struggle to contain the outbreak of the virus, communities continue to suffer the social and economic impact of this pandemic in many ways. For several weeks, the…

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