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occupied Palestinian territory

Occupied Palestinian Territory (oPt): Flash Update #4 - Escalation in the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and Israel (as of 12:00, 14 May 2021)

Hostilities have escalated between armed groups in the Gaza Strip and Israeli forces, resulting in further casualties and the first large-scale displacement of Palestinians in northern Gaza. Overnight, in response to the continue launching of rockets and…

occupied Palestinian territory

Gaza: 14 May 2021 – Situation update #3

Situation Continued extensive targeting of residential buildings over the last 24 hours According to UNDSS, between 07:00 – 21:30 today (14 May), there were in excess of 120 rockets and 140 mortar shells launched from Gaza. IAF responded…

occupied Palestinian territory

ECHO Factsheet – Palestine – Last updated 13/04/2021

Introduction The decades-long crisis in Palestine* has led to a deteriorating humanitarian situation. Palestinians live in an increasingly coercive environment compounded by the coronavirus pandemic. In the West Bank, as Israeli settlement activity continues to increase, Palestinians…

News and Press Release
28 Apr 2021

occupied Palestinian territory

Palestine: Shelter Cluster Factsheet - 1st Quarter 2021

KEY FIGURES West Bank/East Jerusalem Demolition response Demolished structures: 292 (Jan-March 2021) Of which 115 (40%) are residential displaced 455 individuals, including 246 children Donor-funded structures: 109 of which 61 are residential 67 households have received demolition shelter response in 2021. Shelter Needs for upgrading…

News and Press Release
NRC, Shelter Cluster
26 Apr 2021

occupied Palestinian territory

West Bank demolitions and displacement: An Overview | March 2021

HIGHLIGHTS The targeting of donor-funded aid more than doubled in the first quarter of 2021, compared with the monthly average in 2020. Jordan Valley community at risk of mass-demolition after 29 humanitarian aid structures were handed demolition orders. Re-activation…

occupied Palestinian territory

Security Council briefing on the situation in the Middle East report of the Secretary-General on the Implementation of UNSCR 2334 (2016), 25 March 2021

Madam President, Members of the Security Council, On behalf of the Secretary-General, I will devote this briefing to presenting his 17th report on the implementation of Security Council resolution 2334 (2016), covering the period from 11 December to…

News and Press Release
25 Mar 2021

occupied Palestinian territory

West Bank demolitions and displacement: An Overview | February 2021

HIGHLIGHTS • 82 structures, including 65 donorfunded, demolished or confiscated in five incidents in Humsa – Al Bqai’a (Tubas). • 77 humanitarian aid structures, including 47 EU-funded, targeted in February. • So far in 2021, the targeting of EUfunded…

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