
ReliefWeb results

occupied Palestinian territory

A protracted crisis of human dignity: Overview of 2010 oPt CAP

The 2010 Consolidated Appeal (CAP) in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt) requests a total of USD664,473,688 for 236 humanitarian and early recovery projects: 147 to be implemented by United Nations agencies, and 89 by international and local NGO's. The residents of…

occupied Palestinian territory

OPT: Increased humanitarian aid to Gaza after IDF operation, 04 Dec 2009

COGAT - Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories, Ministry of Defense Since the end of the IDF operation in Gaza (18 Jan 2009), about 654,987 tons of aid and over 98,426,660 liters of fuel have been delivered to the…

News and Press Release
Govt. Israel
4 Dec 2009

occupied Palestinian territory

OPT: The Humanitarian Monitor - Nov 2009

November Overview House demolition and displacement incidents affecting East Jerusalem continued to be of concern in November. While no demolitions of Palestinian structures have been recorded since mid-July in Area C, demolitions in East Jerusalem continued during the month; ten Palestinian-owned…

occupied Palestinian territory

Consolidated Appeals Process (CAP): Appeal 2010 for occupied Palestinian territory

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Many Palestinians living under Israeli occupation continue to face a human dignity crisis, characterized by the erosion of livelihoods, the continued denial of basic human rights and forced dependence on international aid. Nearly 40% of…

30 Nov 2009

occupied Palestinian territory

OPT: Socio-economic and food security (SEFSec) survey report 2 - Gaza Strip, Nov 2009

DATA COLLECTED BY THE PALESTINIAN CENTRAL BUREAU OF STATISTICS (April – June 2009) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (excerpt) Food insecurity has become increasingly prevalent in the Gaza Strip as a consequence of lacking economic opportunities and progressive limitations imposed under Israeli control. The livelihoods crisis has…

occupied Palestinian territory

Palestinian families at risk of being forced to leave homes

Our new research warns that intolerable living conditions are driving families living in areas of the Occupied Palestinian Territory that the UN identifies as 'high risk' to abandon their land and homes, even though most will be worse off…

News and Press Release
Save the Children
13 Nov 2009

occupied Palestinian territory

OPT: Socio-economic and food security - Survey report 2 - Gaza Strip (November 2009)

FOREWORD A rapidly changing socio economic environment in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt) creates a dire need for reliable updated, socio-economic information to gauge the changing living conditions for Palestinian households. In the current circumstances the Palestinian National Authority (PNA), international and…

occupied Palestinian territory + 5 more

ECHO Operational Strategy 2010: Middle East and Mediterranean

(Extract) Occupied Palestinian Territory The isolation and fragmentation of the West Bank (2.5 million inhabitants, including 754,000 refugees) continue to have a major impact on the Palestinian economy and on livelihoods, with the result that vast segments of a population are…

News and Press Release
6 Nov 2009

occupied Palestinian territory

Film star goes to market with Palestinian family

Tunisian actress Hend Sabry saw the impact of WFP's first food voucher scheme in the Middle East recently when she spent a day with a Palestinian family in Nablus. Her presence also put a smile on faces at a…

3 Nov 2009

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