
ReliefWeb results

occupied Palestinian territory

“We do not want aid from the world. We want to stop the war.” Community priorities and perceptions of aid and mutual support in Gaza | Gaza, occupied Palestinian territory | August 2024

Key findings Fight for survival in Gaza The level of continual, forced displacement is unprecedented in Gaza. Nearly everyone we spoke to has been forced to move, often multiple times, since the war began. Feelings of exhaustion and…

Ground Truth Solutions
4 Sep 2024

occupied Palestinian territory

WFP Palestine - Market Monitor - Gaza, August 2024

Between November 2023 and July 2024 The entry of commercial trucks is highly unpredictable: only one crossing point for commercial goods where only “essentials” items are allowed in (sugar, rice, oil, water etc). Essential NonFood Items are…

occupied Palestinian territory

WFP Palestine: Gaza Market Monitoring - Flash Update #7 (1 March 2024)

KEY FINDINGS • Overall, multifaceted challenges facing markets in the Gaza Strip, including shortages of basic food items, reliance on informal channels for supplies, and selling of humanitarian assistance. Addressing these challenges requires comprehensive interventions to facilitate…

occupied Palestinian territory

Inclusive Needs Assessment: Situation of the Conflict-affected Persons with and without Disabilities in the Gaza Strip (March 2024)

Needs Assessment Objective: The needs assessment aims to present and assess the needs of conflict-affected persons with and without disabilities during the 2023-2024 escalation. The report focuses the situation of protection, access to rehabilitation interventions, health services,…

occupied Palestinian territory

WFP Palestine: Gaza Market Monitoring - Flash Update #6 (2 February 2024)

KEY FINDINGS • The current conditions signify the continuation of severe shortage of food, essential items, and aid, leaving affected population, and especially vulnerable groups (e.g., children, older persons, pregnant, and breastfeeding mothers) grappling with high prices,…

occupied Palestinian territory

“Stop the war and let me return to my home, even if it is destroyed.” Community priorities and perceptions of aid and support in Gaza (January 2024)

Introduction It has been 100 days since Israel launched attacks in Gaza that have seen more than 24,000 people killed since the beginning of October 2023, including more than 10,000 children. Thousands more are estimated to be…

Ground Truth Solutions
26 Jan 2024

occupied Palestinian territory

Gaza - Food Security Assessment - December 2023

BACKGROUND The ongoing conflict in Gaza is entering its second month has resulted in unprecedented humanitarian crisis, widespread destruction and displacement, limited access to food, water, electricity, cooking gas and other essential needs and services. Up to…

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