
ReliefWeb results

occupied Palestinian territory

Gaza Market Monitoring: Flash Update (10 Oct 2023)

SITUATION OVERVIEW The current estimated population of the Gaza Strip is 2.226 million, with 68% refugees and 32% nonrefugees. Approximately 1.243 million people, more than 50 percent of the population, are considered food insecure (FSS, 2023), with…

occupied Palestinian territory

oPt: MSNA 2022 Cross-Sectoral Findings, July 2022

Summary Decades of military occupation, recurrent escalations of violence, and intensifying tensions have created a complex political and humanitarian crisis in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt). With limited access to opportunities for socio-economic development, an estimated 2.1…

occupied Palestinian territory

oPt: 2022 Multi-Sector Needs Assessment - Key Cross-Sectoral Findings

Assessment Objectives The primary objectives of the MSNA: 1. Directly inform joint humanitarian development response planning in the entirety of the oPt population, including the West Bank (inclusive of East Jerusalem) and Gaza, through the provision of comprehensive,…

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