
ReliefWeb results

occupied Palestinian territory

Gaza crisis - one year on

January 2010 Christian Aid supporters gave an amazing £550,000 to our Gaza crisis appeal last year. One year on, your support has enabled our partners on the ground to reach thousands of the poorest and most vulnerable. However, only a…

News and Press Release
Christian Aid
26 Jan 2010

occupied Palestinian territory

OPT: Protection of civilians weekly report, 13 - 19 January 2010

West Bank Military activities affecting civilians; 15 Palestinians injured by Israeli Forces This week, Israeli forces injured 15 Palestinians throughout the West Bank, compared to 21 injuries last week and slightly below the 2009 weekly average of 17 Palestinian injuries. Eight of…

occupied Palestinian territory

OPT: UNRWA Emergency Appeal 2010

Executive Summary The protracted crisis in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt), which began with the onset of the Al Aqsa intifada in late-2000, has now raged for almost a decade. During this period, living levels of Palestinians across the West…

occupied Palestinian territory

Update: What if the Gaza tunnels close?

Because of the blockade on Gaza for more than 2 years, only the barest necessities for survival are allowed through the Israeli border. Families in Gaza once relied on daily deliveries of more than 600 trucks filled with food,…

News and Press Release
14 Jan 2010

occupied Palestinian territory

USAID West Bank/Gaza mission program achievements - Week of 14 Dec 2009

(Excerpt) Vulnerable Families in Gaza Receive Assistance: USAID's Civic Engagement Project (CEP), implemented by Associates in Rural Development (ARD), working with Mercy Corps (MCI), distributed 680 livelihood packages consisting of kitchen tools, cleaning supplies, food items and children toys to vulnerable…

News and Press Release
23 Dec 2009

occupied Palestinian territory

OPT: Food security and vulnerability analysis report - Dec 2009 (A synthesis of recent surveys and studies)

Executive Summary Overview The occupied Palestinian territory (oPt) includes the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, with a population of 2.38 million and 1.42 million people respectively. About half of the population are refugees. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been marked by periods of…

occupied Palestinian territory

Occupied Palestinian Territory: Commission boosts humanitarian funding by €7 million

IP/09/1992 Brussels, 22 December 2009 - The European Commission is increasing its funding by €7 million to provide relief to the most vulnerable populations in the occupied Palestinian territory. The funds will be channelled from the Commission's Humanitarian Aid department through…

News and Press Release
22 Dec 2009

occupied Palestinian territory + 1 more

L'Assemblée adopte trois résolutions sans précédent sur l'émancipation des pauvres par le droit, l'harmonie avec la « terre nourricière » et la sécurité alimentaire

AG/10907 Assemblée générale Soixante-quatrième session 66e séance plénière - après-midi Sur recommandation de sa Commission économique et financière (Deuxième Commission), l'Assemblée générale a adopté ce matin 41 résolutions dont trois qui n'avaient jamais fait l'objet de décision auparavant à savoir celles sur l'émancipation…

News and Press Release
21 Dec 2009

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