
ReliefWeb results

occupied Palestinian territory

WFP Palestine Monthly Market Dashboard - May 2023

Highlights • During May, WFP provided critical food assistance to 309,444 Palestinians Of those, 277,165 received cash-based transfers (CBT) of US$ 2.7 million; 32,279 people were reached through the quarterly in-kind distributions. The most redeemed items were…

occupied Palestinian territory

QRCS distributes food coupons to poor families in Gaza [EN/AR]

English version

May 30th, 2023 Doha, Qatar: “For over five months now, my fridge has been empty,” said Umm Samir (63) as she described the difficult situation of her family since the death of her husband many years…

News and Press Release
Qatar Red Crescent
30 May 2023
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occupied Palestinian territory

WFP Palestine Country Brief, April 2023

In Numbers 350,246 people assisted in April 2023 US$ 3.6 m cash-based transfers made US$ 9.7 m in cash-based transfers made to 669,662 people through WFP’s cash-based transfers service provision to humanitarian and development partners US$ 38.7 m six…

occupied Palestinian territory

Gaza: Islamic Relief distributes food and medical supplies amid ongoing escalation

Islamic Relief has begun distributing food parcels and essential medical supplies in the Occupied Palestinian Territory amid an ongoing escalation. Working through our local partners, we have so far supplied around 1,000 fresh food parcels to vulnerable…

News and Press Release
Islamic Relief
14 May 2023

occupied Palestinian territory

WFP operations in Palestine risk suspension due to funding shortfall

EAST JERUSALEM – The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) announced today that by next month 200,000 people – 60 percent of the people the agency assists in Palestine – will no longer be receiving food…

News and Press Release
13 May 2023

occupied Palestinian territory

Humanitarian situation in Gaza | Flash Update #4 as of 17:00, 13 May 2023

KEY POINTS Hostilities between Israeli forces and Palestinian armed groups in Gaza continued for the fifth consecutive day, resulting in further casualties anddamage to property, and further worsening the humanitarian situation. According to the UN human rights office…

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