
ReliefWeb results

occupied Palestinian territory

WFP Palestine Country Brief, May 2023

In Numbers 309,444 people assisted in May 2023 USD 2.67 m cash-based transfers made USD 558,200 in cash-based transfers made to 24,357 people through WFP’s cash-based transfers service provision to humanitarian and development partners USD 37.2 m six months (June-…

occupied Palestinian territory

WFP Palestine Monthly Market Dashboard - June 2023

Highlights • During June, WFP provided critical food assistance to 205,906 Palestinians Of those, 140,700 received cash-based transfers (CBT) of US$ 1.3 million. The most redeemed items were wheat flour, vegetable oil, and frozen meat. • In June, WFP…

occupied Palestinian territory + 4 more

Canada continues its support of Palestinian refugees

Providing humanitarian assistance and responding to the needs of Palestinian refugees is part of the path toward peace and prosperity in the Middle East. Canada is committed to meeting the basic needs of the poorest and…

News and Press Release
Govt. Canada
26 Jun 2023

occupied Palestinian territory + 3 more

Evaluation of the UNRWA Emergency Appeals for the occupied Palestinian territory and Syria Regional Crisis 2016-21 (March 2023)

Full Report

Background to the evaluation UNRWA’s Department of Internal Oversight Services (DIOS) contracted IOD PARC to conduct an evaluation of its Emergency Appeals (EAs) for the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt) and the Syria Regional Crisis covering the 2016-2021…

Evaluation and Lessons Learned
24 Jun 2023
Téléchargement  + 1 more

occupied Palestinian territory + 3 more

Commissioner-General Statement at the Advisory Commission Meeting on UNRWA

Excellencies, distinguished members of the Advisory Commission, I would like to thank Lebanon for hosting this meeting today and I would like to thank: Dr. Bassel el Hassan, Chairman of the Lebanese Palestinian Dialogue Committee for your excellent…

News and Press Release
20 Jun 2023

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