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Mali + 1 more

AFAD pledges humanitarian aid to Mali

AFAD chief pledges humanitarian assistance to conflict-struck Mali during meeting with Ambassador Ankara, 10 June 2016 – AFAD President Dr. Fuat Oktay on Friday received Malian Ambassador Birahim Soumare. Providing information on the situation in Mali, where…

News and Press Release
Govt. Türkiye
14 Jun 2016


Mali: Bulletin humanitaire, avril – mai 2016

Au sommaire Soudure : 3 millions de personnes en insécurité alimentaire p.2 Accès limité à la région de Kidal p.2 Bilan des écoles fermées en raison de l’insécurité p.3 Assistance aux survivants de violences basées sur le genre p.5 Lutte contre…


Mali: Humanitarian Bulletin (April - May 2016)

In this issue Lean season: 3 million people in food insecurity p.2 Limited access to Kidal by air p.2 Status of schools closed at the end of the school year p.4 Assistance to victims of gender based violence p.5 Response to…

Mali + 2 more

Mali: UNHCR Operational Update, 1 - 31 March 2016

KEY FIGURES 418 Mauritanian refugees reached during sensitization campaigns on the importance of birth certificates in the region of Kayes 536 Urban refugees identified to receive hygiene kits in Bamako 112 Mauritanian refugees and local community members benefited from…


WFP Mali Country Brief April 2016

Highlights In April, WFP’s General Food Distributions (GFD) provided assistance to 102,000 people. Blanket Supplementary Feeding was provided to 32,210 children from 6 to 23 months and 10,799 pregnant and nursing women in Timbuktu in response to the…

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