
ReliefWeb results


Humanitarian Action for Children 2017 - Mali

Total affected population: 3.7 million Total affected children: 2,072,000 Total people to be reached in 2017: 422,000 Total children to be reached in 2017: 302,000 Mali is still affected by the armed conflict that erupted in 2012 in the north…


WFP Mali Country Brief, November 2016

Highlights WFP continued to provide seasonal assistance and emergency support to 150,000 food-insecure people and to displaced households and host communities affected by conflict. A national assessment on food and nutrition security carried out in September 2016 reveals…


Mali: Bulletin humanitaire, octobre – novembre 2016

FAITS SAILLANTS Augmentation des écoles fermées dans le centre et le nord du pays par rapport à l’année dernière Aggravation de l’insécurité alimentaire au niveau national Légère baisse du taux de malnutrition aiguë globale Fin de l’alerte sur les inondations…


Mali: Humanitarian Bulletin (October - November 2016)

HIGHLIGHTS More schools are closed in the north and centre of the country compared with last year Food security deterioration at the national level Slight decline in the prevalence of global acute malnutrition End of the Niger River flood alert More…

Mali + 1 more

WFP Mali Country Brief, October 2016

Highlights WFP continued to provide seasonal assistance and emergency support to 150,000 food insecure people and to displaced households and host communities affected by conflict. A national assessment on food and nutrition security carried out in September 2016…

Mali + 1 more

Grâce à l'appui du Gouvernement belge, le PAM sauve des vies au Mali

BAMAKO – Le Programme Alimentaire Mondial des Nations Unies (PAM) est ravi d’annoncer la reception de deux millions d’euros de la part du Gouvernement belge – de quoi secourir quelque 115 000 personnes parmi les plus…

News and Press Release
22 Nov 2016

Mali + 1 more

UNHCR Mali Factsheet - October 2016

Highlights 598 IDP children enrolled for the new academic year in the primary school in Kabelawa IDP camp in the Diffa region 12,294 Malian refugee households received mosquito nets in Tazalit and Intikane the refugees hosting areas in October 2016 14,774 Households…

News and Press Release
17 Nov 2016

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