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Mali: Bulletin humanitaire, fév. – mars 2016

FAITS SAILLANTS Soudure : 3 millions de personnes seront en insécurité alimentaire Des écoles restent fermées dans le nord et le centre du pays Us et coutumes, facteurs clés de la malnutrition au Mali Analyse des conflits intercommunautaires à Ménaka 16…


Mali: Humanitarian Bulletin (February - March 2016)

HIGHLIGHTS Lean season: 3 million people will be food insecure Some schools remain closed in the north and center of the country Customs and traditions, keys factors of malnutrition in Mali Analysis of intercommunity conflicts in Menaka 16 percent of the…


Mali: UNICEF condemns withdrawal of children from schools in Kidal

26 April 2016 – In the wake of the violent protests on 18 and 19 April in Kidal, northern Mali, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) is warning that the events disrupted children’s education in the…

News and Press Release
UN News
26 Apr 2016


WFP Mali Country Brief, March 2016

Highlights In March, WFP’s General Food Distributions (GFD) provided assistance to 102,000 people. Results from the Cadre Harmonise show that 423,500 people will be in need of food assistance during the lean season (June-September), a significant reduction compared…

Mali + 2 more

Mali: UNHCR Operational Update, 1 - 31 January 2016

KEY FIGURES 709 Persons of concern received NFI kits in the regions of Mopti, Gao and Timbuktu. 28 Cases of SGBV and child protection were identified and referred to receive assistance. 477 Asylum seekers obtained refugee status in Mali. FUNDING USD…

Mali + 1 more

UNHCR Mali Factsheet - March 2016

HIGHLIGHTS 13,539 Mauritanian refugees located in Kayes and Bamako in 2015 42,690 Total number of returned refugees in 2013-2015 (according to Malian authorities) 4,307 Returned refugees benefited from cash based interventions for their reintegration in 2015 529 Refugee returnees benefited…

News and Press Release
12 Apr 2016

Mali + 1 more

New beginnings for child beggars in Senegal and Mali

Child beggars, known as ‘talibés’, are a familiar sight in cities across Senegal and Mali. Far from home, and forced to beg, their situations have been likened to modern slavery. SOS Children’s Villages together with the…

News and Press Release
1 Apr 2016

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