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Libya + 1 more

Helping people affected by the conflict in Libya

Violence erupted in Libya in February 2011 after peaceful protesters, demonstrating against the detention of a prominent human rights lawyer, were fired upon by Muammar Gaddafi’s forces. Thousands of Libyans subsequently rose up against the dictator’s…

News and Press Release
AusAID, Govt. Australia
29 Jul 2011


Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Crisis Situation Report No. 50

I. HIGHLIGHTS/KEY PRIORITIES • Water supply at risk due to lack of maintenance, fuel and spare parts. • Shortages of medicines and medical supplies become more critical as conflict continues. • Limited access to cash prevents families from buying…


120 Day Response

Overview of the Situation in Libya After more than 40 years of Colonel Muammar al-Gaddafi’s leadership, the unrest spreading throughout the Arab world erupted in Libya in mid-February 2011. After living for decades under Gaddafi’s authoritarian regime,…


Ban urges parties to engage in UN-mediated direct talks to resolve conflict

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today appealed to the international community to support the efforts of his special envoy tasked with helping to resolve the crisis in Libya to have both parties engage in direct talks. “Finding a political…

News and Press Release
UN News
16 Jul 2011

Libya + 1 more

Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Crisis Situation Report No. 49

I. HIGHLIGHTS/KEY PRIORITIES • Explosive Remnants of War in conflict areas are putting civilian lives at risk; several casualties have been reported. • Cash shortages prevent people from buying adequate food supplies from markets. • Urgent health needs, due to…


United Nations completes mission to Misrata, Libya [EN/AR]


(Misrata, Libya, 14 July 2011): The United Nations has completed its second inter-agency humanitarian assessment mission to the port city of Misrata, which had seen some of the worst fighting over the past months during the…

News and Press Release
14 Jul 2011
Téléchargement  + 1 more


United Nations Inter-Agency Mission: Misrata, 10 to 14 July 2011

This report outlines key observations and recommendations of the second United Nations Inter-Agency Mission to Misrata, Libya (11-14 July). The mission was coordinated with INGOs operating in Misrata, and the Mission Report reflects information provided by…

Libya + 1 more

UNICEF Situation Report #20 - Sub-regional Libya Crisis 11 July 2011

Reporting period (30 June - 11 July 2011) Highlights: The situation in Libya continues to be volatile. Anti-government forces push towards Tripoli continues slowly with some advances recorded in the western mountains. Slight advances have also been reported…

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