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UNICEF Situation Report #25 - Sub-regional Libya crisis

Reporting period (07 - 17 September) Highlights: NTC forces are gathered only 5 km outside of the city of Sirte, Gaddafi’s birthplace and one of his last strong-holds in Libya. Loyalist forces put up fierce resistance in battles…


Supporting medical services in disputed areas

15-09-2011 Operational Update With the shift of the front lines to four disputed areas – in and around Bani Walid, Jufra, Sabha and Sirte – the ICRC is providing medical assistance. In the past week it…

News and Press Release
15 Sep 2011

Libya + 2 more

CFC Mediterranean Weekly Review: 13 September 2011

This document provides an overview of developments in Libya and elsewhere in the Mediterranean Basin from 07 — 12 September 2011, with hyperlinks to source material highlighted and underlined in the text. For more information on…

News and Press Release
15 Sep 2011


United Nations Inter-Agency Mission to Brega, Libya

Mission Objectives Food Security & Livelihoods: Conduct food security rapid needs assessment (WFP). Health: Assess availability of basic health services in general (WHO). WASH: Assess water availability in Brega (OCHA on behalf of UNICEF/WASH Cluster). Protection: Assess population movement to/from…


Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Crisis - Situation Report No. 56

This report is produced by OCHA in collaboration with humanitarian partners. It was prepared by OCHA Libya. It covers the period from 8 to 10 September 2011. The next report will be issued on 12 September. I. HIGHLIGHTS/KEY PRIORITIES Large…

Libya + 1 more

Libya - Complex Emergency Fact Sheet #43, Fiscal Year (FY) 2011

KEY DEVELOPMENTS Following nearly two weeks of shortages, running water supply to Tripoli resumed in recent days. On September 5, the Transitional National Council (TNC) and local water authorities confirmed that water was now reaching the capital…


United Nations Inter-Agency Mission to Zlitan, Libya

1.) Mission Objectives Food Security & Livelihoods: Conduct a food security rapid needs assessment and identify and coordinate with potential partners the immediate distribution of WFP food supplies (WFP). Health: Assess the health situation and the effects of…


Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Crisis Situation Report No. 55

This report is produced by OCHA in collaboration with humanitarian partners. It was prepared by OCHA Libya. It covers the period from 25 August to 8 September. I. HIGHLIGHTS/KEY PRIORITIES Authorities and humanitarian actors are working together to…


UNICEF Situation Report #24 - Sub-regional Libya crisis

Reporting period (30 August – 07 September) Highlights: The security environment in Tripoli has improved significantly in the past week after the NTC took control of Tripoli. At present, check-points have been cleared and traffic police have replaced…

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