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Libya + 1 more

UNICEF Situation Report # 17- Sub-regional Libya crisis

Reporting period (19 May – 01 June 2011) Highlights: The general situation in Libya continues to be extremely volatile and insecure in certain pockets of conflict, such as the western Nafusa mountains, and Human Rights Watch reports that…

Libya + 1 more

Southern Tunisia: Dehiba/Remada UNHCR Update #10

Overview Located in Tunisia’ s southern governorate in Tataouine and close to Libya’ Western Mountains regions, Dehiba is one of the two official border points between Tunisia and Libya. Through this point, according to the Tunisian authorities,…

Libya + 4 more

Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Crisis Situation Report No. 40

This report produced by OCHA Libya in collaboration with humanitarian partners, covering the period of 23 May to 26 May. The next report will be issued on or around 30 May. I. HIGHLIGHTS On 24 May, unrest at…

Libya + 1 more

Emergencia Libia: de la urgencia al largo plazo

Transcurridos tres meses desde que se inició el conflicto libio y la población emprendió la huida hacia Túnez, Acción contra el Hambre continúa en la frontera dando respuesta a las necesidades tanto de aquellos que siguen…

News and Press Release
Acción contra el Hambre
26 May 2011

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