Accountability To Affected Populations Working Group (AAP WG)

Accountability to Affected Populations (AAP) stands as a critical commitment embraced by humanitarian practitioners and organizations, emphasizing ethical conduct, responsibility, and respect towards the com-munities they serve. This approach, in alignment with the Core Humanitarian Standards (CHS), Grand Bargain 2.0 commitments, and the IASC commitment on Accountability to Affected Populations, recognizes the inherent dignity, expertise, and capabilities of those impacted and mandates humanitarian agencies to actively involve and listen to affected community’s perspectives in all stages of programming. In line with this principle, the national Accountability to Affected Populations Working Group (AAP WG) in Bangladesh has emerged as a reinvigorated iteration of the former Communication with Communities Working Group (CwC WG). The AAP WG in Bangladesh as a platform under the Inter-cluster Coordination Group (ICCG), brings together diverse stakeholders from the humanitarian sector, relevant government entities, NGOs, INGOs, RCRC, UN agencies and relevant networks/platforms. The WG aims to ensure collective accountability and foster robust community engagement across humanitarian response activities in Bangladesh. The WG also aims at integration and mainstreaming of gender, age, disability and inclusion of other marginalized community into the AAP system. 

Key Documents

ReliefWeb results


Terms of Reference: Accountability to Affected Populations Working Group (AAP WG) - Bangladesh

I. Purpose and Roles Accountability to Affected Populations (AAP) stands as a critical commitment embraced by humanitarian practitioners and organizations, emphasizing ethical conduct, responsibility, and respect towards the com-munities they serve. This approach, in alignment with the…

Manual and Guideline
BBC Media Action, UNICEF
21 Mar 2024