About us

Asia Pacific Gender in Humanitarian Action Working Group (AP GiHA WG)

Asia Pacific Gender in Humanitarian Action Working Group (AP GiHA WG) undertakes a comprehensive and multifaceted approach to ensure gender equality in humanitarian settings. The group is deeply committed to integrating a gender perspective across all sectors of humanitarian response, acknowledging the amplified needs and vulnerabilities of different genders during crises. This commitment is supported by international policies and practices, including those from the IASC.

AP GiHA WG's work is crucial in recognizing and addressing the nuanced and often overlooked aspects of gender in humanitarian crises. For example, it highlights how crises can intensify pre-existing gender inequalities, affecting men and women, boys and girls differently. Men and boys, often perceived only as perpetrators of violence or as combatants, face specific risks like forced recruitment and higher likelihood of death in combat, while women and girls might be excluded from preparedness planning due to social roles, leading to heightened vulnerabilities.

One of AP GiHA WG's primary objectives is to mainstream gender equality in humanitarian actions, ensuring that all affected populations have their rights protected and their voices heard in decision-making processes. This involves challenging traditional norms and perceptions, and advocating for equitable participation and leadership of all genders in humanitarian responses.

To effectively operationalize its objectives, AP GiHA WG maintains a robust structure for coordination and collaboration. It brings together gender focal points from different clusters, and organisations within the region to facilitate information exchange and address gender-related issues comprehensively. Regular strategic briefings and advocacy efforts are undertaken to keep gender equality at the forefront of humanitarian action. AP GiHA WG also emphasizes the importance of gender-responsive funding to ensure that resources are allocated in a way that acknowledges and addresses gender-specific needs.

In terms of practical implementation, AP GiHA WG supports clusters in integrating gender dimensions into their actions, through the provision of guidance, tools, and advocacy materials. The working group places a strong emphasis on capacity development, offering training sessions and promoting the use of gender analysis tools to enhance the effectiveness of humanitarian action.

Information sharing and management are also key components of AP GiHA WG's work. The working group identifies and analyzes developments, needs, and good practices, ensuring that critical gender issues are raised and addressed effectively. Furthermore, AP GiHA WG actively works to build and maintain partnerships and collaboration with a wide range of stakeholders, including local and international organizations, government agencies, and civil society groups, to strengthen the collective effort towards gender equality in humanitarian action.

The operational modes of AP GiHA WG, such as leadership and coordination, the composition of the working group, regular quarterly meetings, and the development of a work plan, are designed to ensure a coherent and impactful approach to gender integration in humanitarian contexts. This systematic and collaborative approach not only addresses immediate needs but also contributes to long-term resilience and empowerment of all genders in humanitarian settings.

The following priorities are set for 2023 AP GiHA WG WorkPlan: 

  • Continue with joint work on emergencies among GiHA AP members 
  • Coordinate & collaborate with national counterparts for advocacy on GEEWG integration in humanitarian responses
  • Develop technical resources for rapid deployment to national GiHA actors
  • Disseminate and socialize research findings, guidelines and guidance, and best practices with regional and national partners
  • Capacity Building on Gender in Emergency