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Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone Humanitarian Situation Report, Apr 1999

HIGHLIGHTS 1.) Political developments Foday Sankoh begins consultations with RUF delegation in Togo Civil Society reach consensus on peace process Donors meet on humanitarian aid in Sierra Leone International Contact Group on Sierra Leone meet in New York UN Under-Secretary-General for Peace-Keeping…


United Nations Consolidated Inter-Agency Appeal for Burundi

January - December 1999 OFFICE FOR THE COORDINATION OF HUMANITARIAN AFFAIRS (OCHA) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Context The humanitarian suffering which has plagued Burundi for several years did not diminish significantly in 1998. More than half a million people continue to live…

Guinea-Bissau + 1 more

United Nations Consolidated Inter-Agency Appeal for Guinea-Bissau

January - December 1999 OFFICE FOR THE COORDINATION OF HUMANITARIAN AFFAIRS (OCHA) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Since 7 June 1998, Guinea-Bissau has been faced with a politico-military conflict between the Government of Guinea-Bissau and the self-proclaimed Military Junta. Fighting between Government…

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