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FEWS Mauritania rapport mensuel du mois de septembre 2002

Ce Rapport couvre la période du 29 Août au 28 Septembre 2002 Sommaire Globalement la deuxième décade de septembre a été pluvieuse et on note une légère amélioration des conditions d'exploitation des activités agricoles et pastorales. L'amélioration des conditions pluviométriques dans les…

Burkina Faso + 4 more

Sahel and West Africa Food Security Update, June 2002

This report covers the period from 5/21/2007 to 6/20/2007 Will there be an exceptionally favourable lean period in the Sahel? 1. Indications of an overall positive lean period in the Sahel The meeting of the CILSS Mechanism for Prevention of Food Crises in…

Situation Report
2 Jul 2002

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Novib partners react fast after volcano eruption in Congo

Novib releases a fund of € 220.000 Novib has made € 220.000 available to her partner organizations in the Democratic Republic of Congo as aid to the victims of the Mount Nyiragongo volcanic eruption near Goma. Most of the money…

News and Press Release
22 Jan 2002

Democratic Republic of the Congo + 1 more

LWF makes initial grant of $25,000 for volcano relief in Congo, with more to follow

Baltimore, January 22, 2002 - Lutheran World Relief, along with other members of the interchurch emergency alliance, Action by Churches Together (ACT), is responding to urgent needs among refugees who fled their homes following the January 17 eruption of…

News and Press Release
22 Jan 2002

Democratic Republic of the Congo + 1 more

Oxfam flies aid out to Rwanda

Oxfam is flying out £150,000 worth of aid equipment to Kigali, Rwanda. The flight will leave London Manston Airport at 18.00 on Saturday, 19th January. Loading of the flight will start at around 16.00, Friday 18th January. The aid is…

News and Press Release
18 Jan 2002


2001 MCC giving project: Breeding, not brooding

BURUNDI AG/FOOD SECURITIES (5631-1034) Over the last 7 years the villagers of Kibimba have been terrorized by both the military and rebel groups as their mountain has been a popular route for rebel passage. When rebels travel through the region…

News and Press Release
19 Jul 2001

Burkina Faso + 8 more

Joint Monthly Food Security Report for the Sahel Region 30 Jun 2001

This joint report includes inputs from different regional food security monitoring networks (CILSS, FAO/SIMIAR, FEWS NET, USAID/WARP) consolidated in the course of the region-wide meeting held in Niamey between June 13 - 15, 2001 and updated by FEWS NET. Summary…

Democratic Republic of the Congo

ACT Appeal DR Congo: Emergency Relief - AFDC-11

Appeal Target: US$ 1,097,649 Geneva, 19 January 2001 Dear Colleagues, The civil war in the Democratic Republic of the Congo continues despite the Lusaka Peace Accord signed in 1999 by all parties to the war. It has been a…

Congo + 1 more

UN Plan - Republic of Congo (Brazzaville) 2001-2002

Full Report

Executive Summary Congo's decade of political violence has worsened a trend of stagnated development. The massive displacement caused by the last of three civil wars in 1998-1999 led to epidemic levels of malnutrition. Directly or indirectly, up…

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