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Chad + 4 more

Tchad: Tableau de bord humanitaire (au 31 mars 2016)

Contexte actuel La planification humanitaire pour 2016 prévoit 2,3 millions de personnes dans le besoin dont 1,8 million ciblées pour une assistance humanitaire, reflétant des niveaux élevés de vulnérabilité dans tout le pays. Le Tchad continue à ressentir…

Chad + 3 more

Chad: Humanitarian situation overview (as of April 2016)

Chad faces a number of simultaneous and inter-connected humanitarian crises in a broader context of chronic vulnerability.Insecurity in the region has caused significant population movement from neighbouring countries (Sudan, CAR, Nigeria) as well as internal…

Chad + 3 more

Tchad: Aperçu de la situation humanitaire (Avril 2016)

Le Tchad fait face à des crises humanitaires multiples et interconnectées, dans un contexte de vulnérabilités chroniques. L’instabilité sécuritaire a entrainé d’importants mouvements de population en provenance des pays voisins (Soudan, RCA, Nigeria) ainsi que des…


Senegal: Humanitarian Overview (as of 27 April 2016)

KEY DRIVERS OF THE CRISIS The approaching lean season, as well as low and late funding, continue to increase the overall chronic vulnerability and erode communities' resilience, many of which resort to negative coping strategies. The nutritional situation…

Mauritania + 1 more

Mauritania: Humanitarian Overview (as of 27 April 2016)

KEY DRIVERS OF THE CRISIS Food insecurity, malnutrition and overall vulnerability are results of recurring natural hazards (droughts, floods), increasing food prices and overall scarcity of resources. The country continues to host Malian refugees, their returns are contingent…

Niger + 2 more

Niger: Humanitarian Overview (as of 27 April 2016)

KEY DRIVERS OF THE CRISIS Poverty, demographic pressure and recurrent shocks (droughts, floods, epidemics, and high food prices) are among the key causes of vulnerability amongst households and communities. Insecurity in neighboring countries, notably Mali and Nigeria, has…

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