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Democratic Republic of the Congo + 4 more

RD Congo : Tableau de bord humanitaire (juillet - décembre 2015)

APERÇU DE LA SITUATION La persistance de l’activisme de groupes armés, les conflits intercommunautaires et les opérations militaires ont continué d'engendrer des déplacements de populations dans plusieurs territoires de l’Est de la République Démocratique du Congo entre…

Nigeria + 3 more

Lake Chad Basin: Crisis Overview (as of 12 May 2016)

An overlooked crisis The violent conflict in the Lake Chad Basin has continuously deteriorated over the last two years. Boko Haram raids and suicide bombings targeting civilians are causing widespread trauma, preventing people from accessing essential services…

Niger + 2 more

Niger: Humanitarian Situation Overview (as of 12 May 2016)

In Niger, poverty, demographic pressure and recurrent shocks -droughts, floods, epidemics, and high food prices -are among the key causes of vulnerability. Insecurity in Mali and Nigeria, has led to displacement of people to Niger. In addition,…


Nigeria: Humanitarian Dashboard (as of 12 May 2016)

SITUATION OVERVIEW The ongoing military operations against Boko Haram have degraded the capacity of the group and improved the security situation in some areas of the North-East, mainly in Borno where some mixed spontaneous returns by IDPs…

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