Cartes / Infographies

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Niger Operation Refugees in Niamey as of August 2014

7,133 Urban Refugees Since violence erupted in northern Mali in January 2012 between the Malian Government and various armed groups, Niamey region has been hosting approximately 7,000 refugees. The majority of them are women and children. …

Burkina Faso + 1 more

Burkina Faso : Tableau de bord humanitaire (août 2014)

APERCU DE LA SITUATION De façon consensuelle, les acteurs humanitaires et de développement estiment que les trois priorités pour le Burkina Faso sont l’insécurité alimentaire, la malnutrition et l’appui aux réfugiés maliens.

Central African Republic

Central African Republic: Humanitarian access Snapshot (July 2014)

Humanitarian access continued to be hindered by various constraints particularly violence against civilians including aid workers/assets, interference in the implementation of humanitarian activities and active hostilities since January. Following an analysis, these incidents were caused by all…

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