
ReliefWeb results


Nigeria: Floods - Simplified Early Action Protocol (EAP2022NG01)

RISK ANALYSIS Prioritized hazard and its historical impact Nigeria experiences heavy rains across all states each year resulting in overflowing rivers and dams. Flooding ranks as the highest environmental disaster in the country causing significant destruction of property and…


Weathering Risk - Climate, Peace and Security Assessment: Mali

Climate, Peace and Security Assessment: Mali is the first full-length national case study using the Weathering Risk methodology, combining state-of-the-art climate impacts data with on-the-ground conflict analysis. It provides a ground-breaking level of detail into a…

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Ituri : des jeunes de Bunia sensibilisées contre les exploitations et abus sexuels

JEAN TOBIE OKALA « Cette activité nous a permis d’élargir nos connaissances et de mieux comprendre ce que c’est que l’exploitation sexuelle, et comment le prévenir. Avant, on avait quelques vagues notions de ce phénomène, mais grâce…

News and Press Release
11 Oct 2022

Burkina Faso + 4 more

WCA Regional TF Accés et Prinicipes humanitaires, Résumé des Discussions - Jeudi 6 octobre 2022 [Meeting Minutes]

AGENDA Tour de table pays Updates regional a. GiHA (Gender in Humanitarian Action group) b. Plaidoyer opportunités à venir c. Module de formation principes humanitaires d. CaLP seminar Global access working group: presentation of the workstreams and discussion about potential linkages Revision des retours…

Nigeria + 2 more

North-East Nigeria Operational Update, August 2022

More than 76,000 IDPs, IDP returnees, refugee returnees, and host community members were reached through protection monitoring and site visits in the BAY States. Over 600 refugees (270 households) spontaneously returned from neighbouring countries and were registered…

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