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Democratic Republic of the Congo

Forensic investigators bring DR Congo victims closer to justice

The splatter on the walls painted a gruesome picture. “It is blood,” said Lieutenant-Colonel Michel Ngalamulume Kadugu, Chief Judicial Inspector of the Senior Military Prosecutor’s office (Auditorat Militaire Supérieur) of the former Kasai Occidental Province in the…

News and Press Release
4 Nov 2022

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Doctors of the World response to humanitarian crisis in Eastern DRC

THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO IS FACING A MULTITUDE OF COMPOUNDING CRISES WITH SERIOUS CONSEQUENCES FOR THE CIVILIAN POPULATION. Political instability, chronic conflict, and natural hazards, like volcanic activity and flooding, have left a large part of…

News and Press Release
3 Nov 2022

Cameroon + 1 more

UNHCR Final Report on the Far North Cameroon emergency response to the Level 1 emergency in Cameroon and Level 2 emergency in Chad, December 2021 - June 2022

Overview The emergency On 5 December 2021, clashes over diminishing water resources broke out between herders, farmers and fishermen in Cameroon’s Far North region, the second major outbreak of violence within four months. The situation rapidly deteriorated: according…

Mauritania + 1 more

WFP Mauritania Country Brief, August 2022

In Numbers 190 mt of food, including specialized nutritious food, distributed USD 1.6 m cash-based transfers made USD 14.8 m for six months (Sept 2022 – Feb 2023) net funding requirements 263,507 people assisted In August 2022 Operational Updates • WFP’s refugee…


Nigeria floods response - How to help (October 2022)

1. Support the International Federation of the Red Cross/Red Crescent Floods Emergency Appeal The IFRC Emergency Appeal aims to reach 500,000 people through a multi-sectoral intervention addressing livelihoods and basic needs (preferably through multi-purpose cash assistance), health…

Manual and Guideline
OCHA, UN RC/HC Nigeria
1 Nov 2022

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