
ReliefWeb results

Chad + 1 more

New Sudanese refugees from Darfur face dire conditions in Chad

Sudanese refugees from West Darfur continue to flow into Chad, while refugees from Iridimi, El Acha, Adré, and Gaga camps report dire humanitarian conditions. More than 1,000 people reportedly cross the border into Adré on some…

News and Press Release
Radio Dabanga
9 May 2024


No birth certificate means no school in Niger

Djafar and Souleymane, both 13, study at the Dan Zambadi primary school in Madarounfa, southern Niger. They have big dreams for their future. Djafar would like to continue his studies and become a doctor. By Marion Guenard…

News and Press Release
8 May 2024

Central African Republic

République centrafricaine : Compte rendu de la séance de briefing des membres du Cluster Éducation sur la protection et la prévention contre l’exploitation et l’abus sexuel, 08/05/2024 [Meeting Minutes]

Ordre du jour Exploitation et Abus Sexuel Bulletin du Secrétaire Général de l’ONU et Politique de Tolérance Zero Signalement des Allégations SEA et Harcèlement Sexuel Discussion ouverte et mise en perspective

Education Cluster, Govt. CAR, Save the Children, UNICEF
8 May 2024


Cameroon: Situation Report, 7 May 2024

HIGHLIGHTS Food assistance for refugees in Cameroon at risk of disruption due to funding shortfall. A roof over their heads: Meeting the shelter needs of vulnerable people in crisis-affected areas of Cameroon. Cameroon: Cases of acute malnutrition among children…


WFP Guinea Country Brief, March 2024

In Numbers 189,935 people assisted 613 mt of food assistance distributed US$ 12,061 cash-based transfers made US$ 1.1 million (April-September 2024) net WFP Guinea funding requirement Operational Updates This month, the Country Office ensured the monitoring of the School Connect pilot project.…

Mauritania + 1 more

WFP Mauritania Country Brief, March 2024

In Numbers 118,088 people assisted 194,776 mt of food distributed US$ 7,796,60 cash transferred US$ 36.4 million six-month net funding requirements (April-September 2024) Operational Updates Refugee response in the M’bera Refugee Camp: In March, WFP delivered cash assistance to 67,871 people (of…

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